Your location-Company Culture-Core Values

Core Values

Diligently Creating Value with the Following Qualities
Value is the reason of existence for an enterprise as well as an employee.
Value has three levels, namely, social value, enterprise value and individual value. When an employee creates values for society and his enterprise, his self-value is also realized.
Responsibility. No matter what work you do, responsibility is a prerequisite for you.
Being Aggressive. You should go after something and continue to be creative for more values.
Pulling Together. You should cooperate with your team and only by making concerted efforts can our enterprise make progress.
Sincerity. Only by committing yourself to our company sincerely can your passion is aroused and creative contributions will be made.
Entrepreneur Spirit. Middle-senior managers should establish a sense of identification with the cause of CXIC and promote the prosperity of CXIC.